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"ITS PITTSFORD AND YOU NEED CAPITAL. AS FAR AS I’M CONCERNED, YOU’RE ALREADY AN INTERNET MILLIONARE. HOW ABOUT AN $11 MILLION VALUATION, A CAPITAL RAISE OF UP TO $5 MILLION AND YOU RETAIN CONTROL. KNOW WHAT I MEAN? BY NEXT YEAR, WE’LL RAISE YOU EVEN MORE MONEY AND YOU’LL BE WORTH 100 MILLON SMACKERS. HOW DOES THAT GRAB YOU? DON’T THINK, JUST DO IT, DO IT, DO IT!" When raising capital, don’t just raise money. Raise SMART MONEY! Steer clear from the dumb money.” Barry knew a thing or two about raising money. He was on the ground floor of Spring Street Brewing which became Spring Street Capital. I think he was one of the earliest AKPSI Gamma Nu brothers to be an Internet millionaire, at least on paper.